Sitemap | Robots Txt Code Wapkiz

Wapkiz Site Robots.Txt Code Free Download
Sitemap | Robots Txt Code Wapkiz
Sitemap | Robots Txt Code Wapkiz

Today I am sharing Setting up a sitemap and robots.txt file for a website created using the Wapkiz platform involves some basic steps. Here's a guide on how to do it:


A robots.txt file tells search engines which parts of your website should or shouldn't be crawled. It's important to ensure that you don't block access to important pages.

Step 1: Create the Robots.txt File

Open a text editor.

Create a new file and name it "robots.txt".

Step 2: Add Directives to the Robots.txt File

Open the "robots.txt" file in the text editor.

Add the necessary directives. For example, to allow all web crawlers access to all parts of your site, you can use the following:

Wapkiz Robots Txt Code:

  User-agent: * Disallow: / 
User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* 
Allow: / User-agent: 
Googlebot-Mobile Allow: / User-agent:
Adsbot-Google Allow: / 
User-agent: Googlebot Allow: / 

Save the file.

Step 3: Upload the Robots.txt File

Go back to your Wapkiz dashboard and navigate to the file manager or the section where you uploaded files.

Upload the "robots.txt" file.


A sitemap is a file that lists all the important pages on your website, helping search engines like Google to crawl and index your content more effectively.

Step 1: Generate the Sitemap

Open your Wapkiz dashboard and access the site's file manager or any section where you can upload files.

Create a new text file and name it "sitemap.xml".

Step 2: Add URLs to the Sitemap

Open the "sitemap.xml" file in a text editor.

Add the URLs of all the pages you want to include in your sitemap. Each URL should be 

Sitemap Code wapkiz :

Default XML code :

Wapkiz Mp3 Site sitemap Code :


Wapkiz Mp3 Site FM Folder sitemap :


Wapkiz Blog Site sitemap Code :


Extra Advanced sitemap Code :

<url> <loc></loc> <image:image> <image:loc></image:loc> <image:caption>Dogs playing poker</image:caption> </image:image> <video:video> <video:content_loc>
</video:content_loc> <video:player_loc allow_embed="yes" autoplay="ap=1">
</video:player_loc> <video:thumbnail_loc>
</video:thumbnail_loc> <video:title>Grilling steaks for summer</video:title> <video:description> Cook the perfect steak every time. </video:description> </video:video> </url>

Save the file.

Step 3: Upload the Sitemap

Go back to your Wapkiz dashboard and navigate to the file manager or the section where you uploaded files.

Upload the "sitemap.xml" file.

Warning: Don't forget to replace the Block sitename

Important Notes: Make sure your sitemap.xml and robots.txt files are placed in the root directory of your website. Always double-check your robots.txt file to ensure you're not accidentally blocking access to important content. After uploading the files, you might need to wait for search engines to pick up the changes. You can also manually submit your sitemap to Google Search Console or other search engine webmaster tools.

Remember that these steps are generic and might need to be adapted to the specific features and setup of the Wapkiz platform. If Wapkiz provides any specific tools or options for managing sitemaps and robots.txt, it's recommended to refer to their documentation or support resources for accurate instructions.


This is all about adding Sitemap and Robots Txt Code Wapkiz . I hope you enjoy this article. Please do share this article. And if you are facing problem in any section or you have any question then ask us in comment box. Thank you!

About the author

Hey! I'm Daud, Currently Working in IT Company BD. I always like to learn something new and teach others.

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