Wapkiz Random File List Code for Music Site 2022

How To Create Random Mp3 File List In Wapkiz

 Wapkiz  Random File List Code for Music Site 2022 

Wapkiz is an awesome wapbuilder to build your own wapsite. With the help of Html and some tag code you can start your free wapsite there. To know more about wapkiz 

In wapkiz you can create your music site for free as there is a File Manager to store your files. Wow Thats Great !

Lets see how can create your music site.

– If you are a beginner in wapkiz, you can select a template from preset option. It will make an instant music site for you. You don’t need to know any coding.
– And if you want to create your own style wapsite, see wapkiz manual (Help Option).
– And if you are an expert then you know how to create own style wapsite.

So, if you are starting a music site you can create a Random File list

 CSS Code :

Random Filelist Code :

<<h1>Featured Songs</h1>
<script type="text/javascript">x=0; a=new Array();</script>
[fm]d=all,l=500||<script type="text/javascript">anch = "/page-download/%id%/%lname%.html";a[x]="<a href="+anch+"><table class=feature cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td width=80px><img src=%music-thumb% alt=%name% width=70px height=70px class=imgclass/></td><td align=left><a href="+anch+"><b>%name%.mp3</b></a></td></tr></table></a>"; x++;</script>[/fm]
<script type="text/javascript">maxlink=3;for (i=0; i < maxlink; i++) {r=Math.floor(Math.random() * a.length);if(a[r]){document.write("<div>"+a[r]+"</div>");}} </script>
> Now Enjoy Any problem just comment .

About the author

Hey! I'm Daud, Currently Working in IT Company BD. I always like to learn something new and teach others.

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  1. aaaa
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