Top 100 Question Answer Microworkers Admision Test

Most Important Top 100 Question Answer Microworkers Admision Test 2024 | Skill Test


In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, the gig economy has gained immense popularity, providing opportunities for individuals to engage in micro jobs and earn money online. One such platform that has emerged as a prominent player in this space is Microworkers. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to Microworkers, its admission test, and the top 100 questions that prospective workers may encounter.

Top 100 Question Answer  Microworkers Admision Test
Most Important Top 100 Question Answer Microworkers Admision Test 2024

Understanding Microworkers:

Microworkers is a micro job platform that connects businesses and individuals looking to outsource small tasks with a global pool of freelancers. These tasks, often referred to as "micro jobs," can range from data entry and content creation to website testing and social media engagement. Microworkers acts as an intermediary, facilitating these micro tasks and ensuring a seamless collaboration between employers and workers.

Admission Test Overview:

Before diving into the world of microworking, individuals are required to take an admission test to demonstrate their skills and understanding of the platform's guidelines. This test is designed to assess the applicant's suitability for various types of micro jobs available on Microworkers.

Top 100 Questions for the Microworkers Admission Test:

 Note : Write Answer Etalic & Bold Font Mark .

1.A requested task is subject to be reported when:

  • When it requests for an app to be tested
  • When it requests workers to contact the employers directly
  • When it is asking for proofs
  • When it requests for email address to be submitted
2. A requested  task  is subject to be reported when:
  • Requesting for a screenshot 
  • When it is asking for 3 proofs
  • When it contain an expired offer
  • When it requested  for an app to be tested
 3. All of these help in maintaining your account in good standing. Except;
  • Attempting to contact  employers through the proof box.

  • Only accept tasks you are capable of completing.
  • Maintain a temporary success rate of above 75%
  • Perform tasks honestly
4. To have the ability to continue working on available tasks, success rate must be maintained above.
  • 10%
  • 50%
  • 75%
  • 100%
5.Thunderstorm  and lightning posed a significant threat  to the safety of the performers on stage so they had to ….the show.
  • Give in 
  • Call off
  • Call in 
  • Put out 

6. He has returned from the US.

  • Has he returned from the US?
  • Has he arrived from his US trip.
  • Is he scheduled to return today?

7. The cost of this bag is $10.

  • I paid $10 for this bag.
  • The bag will be sold at around $10.
  • The bag is priced at $10.

8. I ……..him because I wanted to talk.

  • Call 
  • Called
  • Will call

9. WE sent the parcel a few days ago ……. They should have received it by now.

  • So 
  • So that 
  • Either could be used here

10. Choose the word most similar in meaning to stability.

  • Complicity
  • Veracity 
  • Conspiracy 
  • Homeostasis 

11.  He……….his car.

  •  Is fixing
  • Are fixing
  • Either can be used here

12. while it is true that many holocaust  victims felt….. during their incarceration, they did not let this lack of…destroy their sprint .

  • Despondent…hope
  • Weakened…sadness
  • Passionate…feeling 
  • Enervated …health 
  • Desperate ….emotion

13. Joe is a mechanic. He ……cars.

  • Fix 
  • Fixes
  • Either can be used here

14. The reason … Samuel went to England to meet his cousin.

  • For 
  • Why
  • When

15. which word does not have a similar meaning to recalcitrant.

  1. Obstinate 
  2. Pessimistic 
  3. Intractable
  4. Disobedient 

16. George felt …..; he couldn’t decide between watching the  football games and joining the stag party.

  • Transient
  • Oblivious
  • Confected
  • Desiccative 

17. Genuine inspiration is the artists ultimate…………….

  • Assistant
  • Motivation
  • Menace
  • Persuasion
  • Ambition

21. which word does not have a similar meaning to – condemn

  • Critique 
  • Disparage 
  • Criticize 
  • Censure

23. political geography can be ….changed overnight as a result of war revolution, or other political upheavals.

  • Comparatively 
  • Radically 
  • Urgently 
  • Strictly 

24. Despite her effort to combat her fear of heights, the alarming speed at which the roller coaster dipped and turned….maria.

  • Excited
  • Terrified
  • Surprised
  • Angered 
  • Grudged

25. Birds…..nests.

  • Make
  • Makes 
  • Maked

26. If you  won’t be working tomorrow.

  • Take it that 
  • Take that 
  • Take it for 

27. His voice gradually….. to a whisper.

  • Sunk
  • Sank 
  • Sink

28.Not a single word ….say.

  • Did she
  • She did 
  • She

29. Hillary felt…..; she couldn’t decide between watching her favorite movie and taking a long walk.

  • Transient 
  • Oblivious 
  • Conflicted
  • Decisive

30. the chemicals accidentally mixed into the guests drinks have had an effect on their overall health .

  • Strange 
  • potent 
  • deleterious
  • innocuous 
  • ravenous 

31. choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to turbid.

  • Pretentious
  • Dull
  •  clear 
  •  opaque

32.Christine didn’t like pickles, _ she ate one anyway.

  • for
  • so
  • while
  • but

33,When I graduated from college, I __ to New York City.

  • had moved
  • would move
  • moved
  • will move

34.Please walk ____ while you move the vase across the room.

  • careful
  • care
  • carefully
  • caring

35.What ___ to you?

  • does art mean
  • art does mean
  • mean does art
  • does mean art

36.Roger needs a minute to catch his __.

  • wind
  • air
  • breathe
  • breath

37.I don’t recall __ anything about extra time off.

  • hearing
  • of hearing
  • in hearing
  • to hear

38.Don’t forget to take your wallet ____ you.

  • on
  • with
  • at
  • fo

39.William sat ____ me during the play.

  • toward
  • beside
  • circa
  • for

40.__ meal comes with a bowl of ___.

  • The, soup
  • An, soup
  • An, the soup
  • The, a soup

41.You know how to scramble eggs, _?

  • doesn’t you
  • won’t you
  • don’t you
  • do you

42.How much ___ when you checked in for the flight?

  • your suitcase did weigh
  • did weigh your suitcase
  • did your suitcase weigh
  • weigh did your suitcas

43.Samantha decided to turn on the ceiling fan _ it was too warm.

  • because
  • unless
  • and
  • therefore

44.We bought ____ food this week.

  • fewer
  • less
  • lesser
  • lower

45.The jam is on __ of the fridge.

  • an top shelf
  • top shelf
  • the top shelf
  • each top shelf

46.Carla needs more __ before she takes __ exam.

  • of the sleep, the
  • sleep, a
  • of the sleep, a
  • sleep, the

47.Justin still __ yet.

  • hasn’t apologized
  • wasn’t apologized
  • isn’t apologized
  • hasn’t apologizing

48.Jerry has six daughters, and ____ all live in Las Vegas.

  • them
  • they
  • they’re
  • their

49.Carrie is an introvert and tends _ shy with new people.

  • to be
  • being
  • on being
  • in being

50.The gift with the red bow is ____

  • yours
  • your’s
  • yours’
  • your’s’

51.If you leave the bread out, it ___ become stale.

  • would
  • would have
  • will
  • had

52.If we take the 9:30 flight, we _ too late.

  • will arrive
  • arrive
  • would arrive
  • would have arrive 

53.While Mr. Yoo was painting the bedroom, Mr. Kerr _ furniture from the living room.

  • was removing
  • had removed
  • removed
  • had removed

54.Would you be interested ____ working for the government?

  • about
  • to
  • for
  • in

55.We were surprised that Ms. Lafarge is _ good at product design.

  • such
  • much
  • so
  • most

56.Melissa was the only one _ managed to finish the examination on time.

  • which
  • who
  • when
  • she

57.The hotel _ we had our company retreat was very clean.

  • where
  • which
  • that
  • what

58.It took Walter an hour to figure _ where he had parked his car.

  • out
  • up
  • over
  • in

59.Please be sure __ your phone while ___.

  • turning off, driving
  • to turn off, drive
  • turning off, drive
  • to turn off, driving

60.The thing I don’t like about this restaurant is _ .

  • a noise
  • the noise
  • some noise
  • an noise

61._ is hard to maintain for several years.

  • some friendship
  • Friendship
  • An friendship
  • Most friendship

62.The office needs an assistant ____ takes initiative.

  • who
  • whom
  • which
  • that

63.A ___ of my colleagues attended the conference, so I wasn’t alone.

  • little
  • some
  • few
  • many

64._ Phyllis angry with us for making too much noise?

  • Why
  • Weren’t
  • Were
  • Was

65.____ the weather, we have to leave today.

  • In lieu of
  • Regardless of
  • Since
  • Until

66.We don’t like selfies because we don’t know how to take pictures of _.

  • ours
  • yourselves
  • us
  • ourselves

67.I wish Jeremy ____ us about the meeting before today.

  • had told
  • told
  • will tell
  • would tell

68.Building a new wing for the hotel is impossible. We have _____ the funds.

  • either the land or
  • both the land and
  • neither the land nor
  • not only the land but also

69.It was a _ that we both arrived at the same time.

  • coincidence
  • irony
  • happening
  • fate

70._ I win the lottery, I still want to work.

  • As if
  • Even if
  • In order that
  • So that

71.The hospital needs more _ with __ in neurology.

  • the doctors, the experience
  • doctors, the experience
  • doctors, experience
  • the doctors, experience

72.Don’t forget _ the oven after ____ the pie.

  • to turn off, remove
  • turning off, remove
  • to turn off, removing
  • turning off, removing

73.I was ____ surprised that my contract was renewed.

  • very
  • much
  • a lot
  • many

74.Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

  • “I can’t start the meeting”, said Ms. Lee, “without the entire staff present”.
  • “I can’t start the meeting, said Ms. Lee, without the entire staff present.”
  • “I can’t start the meeting,” said Ms. Lee, “without the entire staff present.”
  • “I can’t start the meeting,” said Ms. Lee, “Without the entire staff present.”

75.I need a new idea for_ next script

  • Mine
  • My
  • Me
  • Myself

76.I finally feel ____ enough to return to work.

  • better
  • best
  • well
  • finer

77.While Jeffery was traveling in France, he _ into an old friend from college.

  • was running
  • has run
  • ran
  • runs

78.The security guard stopped the thief ____ stealing two sweaters.

  • from
  • of
  • in
  • with 

79.The dog is sleeping _ the table.

  • in
  • down
  • underneath
  • as

80.I don’t understand why the 3:10 train from Mumbai _ yet.

  • didn’t arrive
  • isn’t arriving
  • hasn’t arrived
  • won’t arrive

81.If we would have left earlier, we __ on time.

  • will have arrived
  • would have arrived
  • arrived
  • will arrive

82.Maria is _ who specializes in _ .

  • a doctor, the elderly
  • doctor, elderly
  • a doctor, an elderly
  • doctor, elderly

83.__ Mr. Goff’s scheduling mistake, the event took place on time.

  • In spite of
  • Because of
  • Whereas
  • During

84.Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

  • Their slogan says, “The best barbecue in town.”
  • Their slogan says “The best barbecue in town.”
  • Their slogan says; “The best barbecue in town.”
  • Their slogan says. “The best barbecue in town.”

85.Mr. Evans gave everyone a cupcake as a ____ gesture.

  • nice
  • nicely
  • nicer
  • nicest

86.Please continue to use the front entrance _ a delivery is too large to fit through the door.

  • if
  • until
  • when
  • unless

87.On Friday, we’re attending the………housewarming party.

  • Smith’s’
  • smiths’s
  • smiths
  • smiths’​

88.Ms. Myers commented that _ she slept in at the hotel was better than _ she slept in at home.

  • the bed, one
  • bed, the one
  • the bed, the one
  • bed, one

89.Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

  • June will present chapter one, and Josh will present the rest.
  • June will present chapter one and Josh will present the rest.
  • June will present chapter one and Josh will present, the rest.
  • June will present, chapter one and Josh will present the rest.

90.Sometimes, it’s dangerous to cook with _.

  • the heat
  • heat
  • a heat
  • that heat

91._ sent you to deliver the printer?

  • Where
  • When
  • Who
  • Why

92.No one has figured out exactly _ caused the power failure.

  • what
  • they
  • how
  • that

93.We’ll find Gemma’s teddy bear, __ it is.

  • whereas
  • whenever
  • wherever
  • where

94.The pest control team will arrive _ 10 a.m.

  • on
  • for
  • in
  • at

95.___ twelve years, Opal Systems has been designing operating systems for government institutions.

  • In
  • By
  • For
  • During

96.Sometimes, it’s dangerous to cook with _.
  • the heat
  • heat
  • a heat
  • that heat
97._ sent you to deliver the printer?
  • Where
  • When
  • Who
  • Why
98.No one has figured out exactly _ caused the power failure.
  • what
  • they
  • how
  • that
99.We’ll find Gemma’s teddy bear, __ it is.
  • whereas
  • whenever
  • wherever
  • where
100.The pest control team will arrive _ 10 a.m.
  • on
  • for
  • in
  • at
101.___ twelve years, Opal Systems has been designing operating systems for government institutions.
  • In
  • By
  • For
  • During

Tips for Success on Microworkers:

Read Guidelines Thoroughly: Familiarize yourself with Microworkers' guidelines to ensure compliance with platform rules.

Maintain a High Success Rate: Completing tasks accurately and on time will positively impact your success rate, enhancing your reputation on the platform.

Effective Communication: Clear communication with employers can prevent misunderstandings and improve your chances of successfully completing tasks.

Diversify Skills: Acquiring a diverse skill set will open up opportunities for a wider range of micro jobs.


Microworkers offers a gateway to the world of micro jobs, providing a platform for individuals to earn money online by completing small tasks. The admission test ensures that workers are well-versed in the platform's guidelines and can contribute effectively to the gig economy. By understanding the top 100 questions for the Microworkers admission test, prospective workers can prepare themselves for success in the dynamic and rapidly growing world of microworking.

About the author

Hey! I'm Daud, Currently Working in IT Company BD. I always like to learn something new and teach others.

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