Waves Founder Sasha Ivanov Introduces Units Protocol for Blockchain Fix

Waves Founder Sasha Ivanov Unveils Units Protocol to Solve Blockchain Interoperability Crisis

Waves Founder Sasha Ivanov Unveils Units Protocol: The Future of Blockchain Interoperability

Sasha Ivanov, founder of Waves, is positioning the blockchain industry for a significant leap forward with the introduction of a new protocol called Units. Ivanov believes that solving the problem of blockchain interoperability is crucial for the ecosystem's growth, stating that without it, the industry will remain incomplete. The launch of Units, planned for the end of October, is seen by Ivanov as the "end game for layer-2 scalability," paving the way for the future of decentralized applications (DApps) and decentralized finance (DeFi).

At the Future Blockchain Summit in Dubai, Ivanov stressed the importance of eliminating the need for centralized bridges, which are currently used to transfer tokens between different blockchain layers. He expressed concern over the security risks these bridges pose, referencing high-profile bridge hacks like Wormhole and Ronin in 2022, where nearly $1 billion was lost. Ivanov insists that true blockchain advancement lies in ensuring that all chains are interoperable by default, creating a connected and seamless Web3 ecosystem.

Units Protocol: A New Era of Interoperability

The Units protocol aims to establish a unified economic structure across multiple blockchain layers, inherently supporting interoperability without relying on risky centralized bridges. According to Ivanov, blockchains built using Units will no longer need outdated, centralized solutions for cross-chain interactions, marking a significant shift in how blockchains communicate and transfer assets.

Solving Fragmentation in Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

One of the biggest challenges in the DeFi space is liquidity fragmentation, which occurs due to the lack of cross-chain compatibility. Ivanov’s vision is that with Units, decentralized applications (DApps) can operate seamlessly across multiple blockchains. This would not only enhance user experience but also improve liquidity flow across DeFi ecosystems, eliminating the silos currently seen in various chains.

Incentivizing Development in the Units Ecosystem

To further accelerate the adoption of the Units protocol, Ivanov hinted at launching a grant initiative. This initiative aims to encourage developers and projects to build within the Units ecosystem, driving further innovation and creating a robust infrastructure for blockchain interoperability.

Conclusion: Units Protocol as the Solution for Blockchain’s Future

Sasha Ivanov’s message is clear: interoperability is the key to unlocking the full potential of blockchain technology. With the upcoming launch of the Units protocol, Waves is taking a crucial step toward solving the industry's long-standing issues, and this could be the solution that pushes the blockchain space into its next evolution. Ivanov’s vision for a seamless, connected Web3 is now within reach, and the Units protocol might just be the answer the industry has been waiting for.

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