Ramadan, the holiest month in Islam, is a time of fasting, prayer, and spiritual reflection. Muslims worldwide observe fasting from Sehri (pre-dawn meal) to Iftar (sunset meal). A proper Sehri & Iftar Time Table ensures that fasting is observed correctly and helps maintain discipline in daily Ramadan routines.
Ramadan Sehri & Iftar Time Table to your Blogger site
Step 1: Log in to Blogger
Go to Blogger.com and log in with your account.
Select the blog where you want to add the Ramadan Sehri & Iftar Time Table.
Step 2: Create a New Page or Post
In the Blogger Dashboard, click on Pages (or Posts if you want to add it as a blog post).
Click New Page (or New Post).
Enter a title like "Ramadan Sehri & Iftar Timetable 2025".
Step 3: Add the Code for Sehri & Iftar Table
Switch from Compose Mode to HTML Mode.
Copy and paste the following HTML code:

Full Sehri & Iftar Time Table with Countdown
<!-- Develop by DaudBD.Com -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<title>Ramadan 2025 - Sehri & Iftar Countdown</title>
body {
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
text-align: center;
background-color: #f4f4f4;
margin: 0;
padding: 20px;
.container {
max-width: 600px;
background: white;
padding: 20px;
margin: auto;
border-radius: 10px;
box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
h1 {color: #28a745;}
h2, h3 {margin: 10px 0;}
.time-box {
background: black;
color: white;
padding: 10px;
font-size: 18px;
font-weight: bold;
display: inline-block;
border-radius: 5px;
.sehri-iftar {
background: #ddd;
padding: 15px;
margin: 10px 0;
border-radius: 8px;
.countdown {
font-size: 20px;
font-weight: bold;
background: black;
color: white;
padding: 10px;
display: inline-block;
border-radius: 5px;
margin-top: 5px;
.flag {
width: 40px;
height: auto;
margin-bottom: 10px;
.city {
font-size: 18px;
font-weight: bold;
color: black;
<div class="container">
<img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f9/Flag_of_Bangladesh.svg" class="flag" alt="Bangladesh Flag">
<h2 class="city">Dhaka, Dhaka Division, Bangladesh</h2>
<h3>Current Time</h3>
<div id="currentTime" class="time-box">Loading...</div>
<div class="sehri-iftar">
<h3>Today's Sehri Ends At</h3>
<div id="sehriTime">Loading...</div>
<div id="sehriCountdown" class="countdown">Loading...</div>
<div class="sehri-iftar">
<h3>Today's Iftar Time</h3>
<div id="iftarTime">Loading...</div>
<div id="iftarCountdown" class="countdown">Loading...</div>
<div class="sehri-iftar">
<h3>Tomorrow's Sehri Time</h3>
<div id="tomorrowSehriTime" class="countdown">Loading...</div>
<div class="sehri-iftar">
<h3>Tomorrow's Iftar Time</h3>
<div id="tomorrowIftarTime" class="countdown">Loading...</div>
const sehriIftarTimes = [
{date: "March 2", sehri: "05:04 AM", iftar: "06:02 PM"},
{date: "March 3", sehri: "05:03 AM", iftar: "06:03 PM"},
{date: "March 4", sehri: "05:02 AM", iftar: "06:03 PM"},
{date: "March 5", sehri: "05:01 AM", iftar: "06:04 PM"},
{date: "March 6", sehri: "05:00 AM", iftar: "06:04 PM"},
{date: "March 7", sehri: "04:59 AM", iftar: "06:05 PM"},
{date: "March 8", sehri: "04:58 AM", iftar: "06:05 PM"},
{date: "March 9", sehri: "04:57 AM", iftar: "06:06 PM"},
{date: "March 10", sehri: "04:56 AM", iftar: "06:06 PM"},
{date: "March 11", sehri: "04:55 AM", iftar: "06:07 PM"},
{date: "March 12", sehri: "04:54 AM", iftar: "06:07 PM"},
{date: "March 13", sehri: "04:53 AM", iftar: "06:08 PM"},
{date: "March 14", sehri: "04:52 AM", iftar: "06:08 PM"},
{date: "March 15", sehri: "04:51 AM", iftar: "06:09 PM"},
{date: "March 16", sehri: "04:50 AM", iftar: "06:09 PM"},
{date: "March 17", sehri: "04:49 AM", iftar: "06:10 PM"},
{date: "March 18", sehri: "04:48 AM", iftar: "06:10 PM"},
{date: "March 19", sehri: "04:47 AM", iftar: "06:11 PM"},
{date: "March 20", sehri: "04:46 AM", iftar: "06:11 PM"},
{date: "March 21", sehri: "04:45 AM", iftar: "06:12 PM"},
{date: "March 22", sehri: "04:44 AM", iftar: "06:12 PM"},
{date: "March 23", sehri: "04:43 AM", iftar: "06:13 PM"},
{date: "March 24", sehri: "04:42 AM", iftar: "06:13 PM"},
{date: "March 25", sehri: "04:41 AM", iftar: "06:14 PM"},
{date: "March 26", sehri: "04:40 AM", iftar: "06:14 PM"},
{date: "March 27", sehri: "04:39 AM", iftar: "06:15 PM"},
{date: "March 28", sehri: "04:38 AM", iftar: "06:15 PM"},
{date: "March 29", sehri: "04:37 AM", iftar: "06:16 PM"},
{date: "March 30", sehri: "04:36 AM", iftar: "06:16 PM"}
function updateTime() {
let now = new Date();
let hours = now.getHours();
let minutes = now.getMinutes();
let seconds = now.getSeconds();
let ampm = hours >= 12 ? 'PM' : 'AM';
hours = hours % 12 || 12;
minutes = minutes < 10 ? '0' + minutes : minutes;
seconds = seconds < 10 ? '0' + seconds : seconds;
document.getElementById("currentTime").innerText = `${hours}:${minutes}:${seconds} ${ampm}`;
setTimeout(updateTime, 1000);
function getSehriIftarTimes() {
let today = new Date();
let day = today.getDate();
let month = today.toLocaleString('en-US', { month: 'long' });
let currentDateStr = `${month} ${day}`;
let todaySchedule = sehriIftarTimes.find(t => t.date === currentDateStr);
let tomorrowSchedule = sehriIftarTimes.find(t => t.date === `${month} ${day + 1}`);
if (todaySchedule) {
document.getElementById("sehriTime").innerText = todaySchedule.sehri;
document.getElementById("iftarTime").innerText = todaySchedule.iftar;
if (tomorrowSchedule) {
document.getElementById("tomorrowSehriTime").innerText = tomorrowSchedule.sehri;
document.getElementById("tomorrowIftarTime").innerText = tomorrowSchedule.iftar;
startCountdown("sehriCountdown", todaySchedule.sehri);
startCountdown("iftarCountdown", todaySchedule.iftar);
function startCountdown(targetId, timeString) {
let now = new Date();
let [time, meridiem] = timeString.split(" ");
let [hour, minute] = time.split(":").map(Number);
if (meridiem === "PM" && hour !== 12) hour += 12;
if (meridiem === "AM" && hour === 12) hour = 0;
let eventTime = new Date();
eventTime.setHours(hour, minute, 0, 0);
function updateTimer() {
let now = new Date().getTime();
let distance = eventTime.getTime() - now;
if (distance < 0) {
document.getElementById(targetId).innerHTML = "<span style='color:green;'>Time Over!</span>";
let hours = Math.floor((distance / (1000 * 60 * 60)) % 24);
let minutes = Math.floor((distance / (1000 * 60)) % 60);
let seconds = Math.floor((distance / 1000) % 60);
document.getElementById(targetId).innerHTML = `${hours}h ${minutes}m ${seconds}s`;
setInterval(updateTimer, 1000);
</html><!-- Develop by DaudBD.Com -->
Demo Ramadan Sheri Iftar Time Table Live
Step 4: Publish & Share
Click Publish.
Share on social media, WhatsApp, and Islamic forums to increase visibility.
Submit your blog to Google Search Console for faster indexing.
Customizing Your Ramadan Time Table
1. Adding a Countdown Timer
Using JavaScript, you can create a countdown timer that shows time remaining until Sehri or Iftar.
2. Making It Mobile-Friendly
A responsive Sehri & Iftar Table ensures that users can check fasting times easily on smartphones.
A Sehri & Iftar Time Table is crucial for observing Ramadan correctly. It helps Muslims maintain discipline, follow Islamic guidelines, and organize their fasting routine effectively. Whether using a printed schedule or an online version, ensuring accuracy is essential for a spiritually fulfilling Ramadan.